• Via 42 Martiri, 26 - 28831 Feriolo di Baveno (VB)

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WEEKEND PROMO MARCH 2021 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

Enjoy your weekend!

Come to Camping Village Conca d’Oro and take advantage of the WEEKEND PROMO.
During the week give yourself a minute to think about how you would like to spend your weekend.

Here’s an idea!

In a family environment you can enjoy breakfast directly on the lake, relax with a good book in the context of a nature reserve, meet new friends and discover on foot or by bicycle the beauty of our territory.

We are waiting for you at Camping Village Conca d’Oro!

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Catch the offer!” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″]

Your weekend at Lake Maggiore!

The weekend offer on a camping pitch is scheduled from 26.03 to 28.03 upon reservation.

Arrival on Friday evening after 17:00 and departure on Sunday at 20:00 at the price of

€ 50,00 1 Pitch Standard + 2 people + electricity – 1 extra person € 10,00.


Arrival Saturday morning from 10:00 and departure Sunday at 20:00 at the price of

€ 35,00 1 Pitch Standard + 2 people + electricity – 1 extra person € 10,00.


See you soon!

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Lac de Cheggio

Lac de Cheggio 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Lac de Cheggio” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Le Lac de Cheggio : une émeraude enchâssée dans les rochers. Ce bassin est également appelé “Lac des Chevaux” car la surface sur laquelle il s’étend, près de la municipalité d’Antrona Schieranco, était à l’origine une grande terre sur laquelle les chevaux paissaient. Ne manquez…


Cheggio See

Cheggio See 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Cheggio See” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Der See von Cheggio: ein Smaragd in den Felsen. Dieses Becken wird auch “See der Pferde” genannt, weil die Fläche, auf der es sich in der Nähe der Gemeinde Antrona Schieranco erstreckt, ursprünglich ein großes Land war, auf dem Pferde weideten. Verpassen Sie nicht die neue…


Lake Cheggio

Lake Cheggio 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Lake of Cheggio” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Lake Cheggio: an emerald embedded in the rocks. This basin is also called Lake of the Horses because the area on which it extends, near the municipality of Antrona Schieranco, was originally a large piece of land on which horses grazed. Don’t miss the new…


Alpe Scaredi

Alpe Scaredi 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Alpe Scaredi” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Si vous aimez l’aventure et la nature intacte, venez à l’Alpe Scaredi (1842 m) dans le Parc National Val Grande, la plus grande zone sauvage d’Italie. C’est parti ! Nous suivrons l’ancien sentier muletier qui monte en pente raide dans la Val Loana, une des vallées…


Alpe Scaredi

Alpe Scaredi 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Alpe Scaredi” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Wenn Sie das Abenteuer und die unberührte Natur lieben, kommen Sie zur Alpe Scaredi (1842 m) im Nationalpark Valgrande, dem größten Wildnisgebiet Italiens. Los geht’s! Wir wandern auf dem alten Saumpfad, der steil das Val Loana, eines der Nebentäler des Val Vigezzo, hinaufsteigt. Schritt für Schritt…


Alpe Scaredi

Alpe Scaredi 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Alpe Scaredi” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] If you love adventure and uncontaminated nature, come to Alpe Scaredi (1,842 m) in the Val Grande National Park, the largest wilderness area in Italy. Here we go! We will walk along the ancient mule track that climbs steeply up the Val Loana, one of the…


Col de la Forcola

Col de la Forcola 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Col de la Forcola” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Seul le Camping Conca D’Oro vous fait passer du lac à la montagne en un clin d’œil ! Venez au Col de la Forcola, la destination du jour ! C’est un col parsemé d’alpages à proximité des principales montagnes de la Valle Antrona, parmi…



Forcola-Pass 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Forcola-Pass” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Nur der Camping Conca D’Oro bringt Sie im Handumdrehen vom See in die Berge! Kommen Sie zum Forcola-Pass, dem heutigen Ziel! Es handelt sich um einen mit Almen gespickten Pass in der Nähe der Hauptberge des Antrona-Tals, unter denen der Andolla-Gipfel hervorsticht. Kurzum, einer der bezauberndsten Aussichtspunkte…


Forcola pass

Forcola pass 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Forcola pass” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Only Camping Conca D’Oro takes you from the lake to the mountains in a flash! Come along to the Forcola pass, today’s destination! This is a pass dotted with alpine pastures close to the main mountains of the Antrona Valley, among which the Andolla peak stands…



© 2022 – Compagnia dei Campeggi S.r.l. – Via 42 Martiri, 26 – 28831 Feriolo di Baveno (VB) – P.I. 02459950032 – CIR: 103008-CAM-00002 Iscrizione REA n° VB – 203801 – Cap sociale I.V. € 50000,00 PEC compagniacampeggi(at)legalmail.it Change privacy settings