• Via 42 Martiri, 26 - 28831 Feriolo di Baveno (VB)

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The “Walser” of Salecchio

The “Walser” of Salecchio 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”The “Walser“ of Salecchio” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] We wonder if you have ever heard of the Walser! You have to know that in the high Ossola valleys from the 13th century onwards, a community of settlers from nearby Switzerland and more specifically from the Canton of Valais (hence the name Walser)…


Lac de Morasco

Lac de Morasco 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Lac de Morasco” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] C’est là que le Toce, ce grand fleuve qui coule juste à côté du Camping Village Conca D’Oro, prend sa source. Cette rivière parcourt plus de 80 km entre les montagnes et recueille les eaux de nombreux ruisseaux dans sa descente vers la vallée. Aujourd’hui,…


Morasco See

Morasco See 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Morasco See” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Hier entspringt der Toce, jener große Fluss, der direkt neben dem Camping Village Conca D’Oro fließt. Dieser Fluss fließt über 80 km durch die Berge und sammelt bei seinem Abstieg ins Tal das Wasser vieler Bäche. Heute bringen wir Sie dorthin, wo er seine Quelle hat…


Lake of Morasco

Lake of Morasco 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Lake of Morasco” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] This is where the Toce River, that big river that flows right next to Camping Village Conca D’Oro, has its source. This river flows more than 50 miles through the mountains collecting water from many streams on its way downstream. Today we take you to…


Lac del Paione

Lac del Paione 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Lac del Paione” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] La vallée des 100 cascades possède trois sources d’eau pure : préparez-vous, nous partons pour la Val Bognanco !  L’excursion au Lac del Paione est un rendez-vous incontournable parmi les excursions dans les vallées de l’Ossola ! Ce lac situé à 2000 mètres d’altitude semble…


Paione See

Paione See 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Paione See” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Das Tal der 100 Wasserfälle, hat drei Quellen mit reinem Wasser: Machen Sie sich bereit, wir fahren ins Val Bognanco!  Der Ausflug zum Paione-See ist ein Must unter den Ausflügen durch die Ossola-Täler! Dieser See in einer Höhe von 2000 Metern scheint die Wanderer zu rufen…


Lake of Paione

Lake of Paione 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Lake of Paione” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] The valley of 100 waterfalls, has three sources of pure water: get ready, we’re off to Val Bognanco!  The excursion to the lake Paione is a must among the trips through the Ossola valleys! This lake at an altitude of 2,000 meters seems to be…


Alpe Meccia

Alpe Meccia 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Alpe Meccia” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] À l’ombre de la face orientale du Monterosa, la deuxième plus haute montagne d’Europe après le Mont Blanc, se sont développés les premiers établissements, qui se regroupent encore aujourd’hui autour du centre de Macugnaga. Les premières populations à coloniser ces vallées venaient du voisin Valais en…


Alpe Meccia

Alpe Meccia 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Alpe Meccia” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] Im Schatten der Ostwand des Monterosa, dem zweithöchsten Berg Europas nach dem Mont Blanc, entstanden die ersten Siedlungen, die sich heute um das Dorf Macugnaga gruppieren. Die ersten Menschen, die diese Täler besiedelten, kamen aus dem nahe gelegenen Kanton Wallis in der Schweiz auf der Suche…


Alpe Meccia

Alpe Meccia 150 150 Camping Conca d'Oro | Oasi di relax sul Lago Maggiore

[nd_options_text nd_options_text_tag=”h2″ nd_options_text_weight=”normal” nd_options_text_family=”nd_options_first_font” nd_options_text=”Alpe Meccia” nd_options_text_font_size=”25″ nd_options_text_line_height=”25″][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height=”20″] In the shadow of the east wall of Monterosa, the second highest mountain in Europe after Mont Blanc, developed the first settlements that today are grouped around the village of Macugnaga. The first people who colonized these valleys came from the nearby Canton Valais in Switzerland…



© 2022 – Compagnia dei Campeggi S.r.l. – Via 42 Martiri, 26 – 28831 Feriolo di Baveno (VB) – P.I. 02459950032 – CIR: 103008-CAM-00002 Iscrizione REA n° VB – 203801 – Cap sociale I.V. € 50000,00 PEC compagniacampeggi(at)legalmail.it Change privacy settings