• Via 42 Martiri, 26 - 28831 Feriolo di Baveno (VB)

Terms and Conditions, FAQ

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions!


CHECK-IN 15:00 – 20:00
CHECK-OUT PITCH 8:00 – 12:00
  • LOW SEASON: 8:00 – 21:30
  • MID SEASON: 8:00 – 22:30
  • HIGH/MAIN SEASON: 8:00 – 23:00

It’s possible to make a reservation by filling and submitting the online booking form available on our website. It must be filled in all its parts and is valid for the booking of only one family. Uncomplete booking forms won’t be considered as valid.
After receiving the booking request the camping booking department sends to the guests the relate offer containing: the number of pitch/accommodation assigned, date of arrival/departure, the amount to be paid as deposit. Only after reception of the down payment, guests receive a booking confirmation.
Each reservation is personal and not transferable. For organizational purposes the Management reserves the right to change the number of plaec/accommodation assigned with another having the same characteristics.
In order to confirm the reservation a down payment is required. It is equal to the cost of two days for a pitch and of three days for an accommodation and must be settled within 7 working days from the date
of the reservation. Quotes required are based on our price list + € 10,00  as non refundable booking fee.
Special offers are only redeemable at the reception desk at the moment of the payment.
Pitches/accommodations are available from 15:00 on the day of arrival. Check out on the departure day is at 12:00 for pitches and at 10:00 for the accommodations.
In case of late arrival or no show the pitch stays at guests’ disposal until 12:00 while the accommodations until 10:00 of the day following the beginning of the stay, unless prior notice.
In the days in which the place/accommodation is unoccupied though reserved, the daily minimal cost is calculated in accordance with our price list.
In case of late arrival or early departure the total amount of the reserved stay must be settled.
In case of cancellation or amendment of the period of stay within 30 days prior the arrival date, the whole deposit is refunded except the booking fee (€ 10,00); passed the deadline, no amount will be returned.

Upon arrival each Guest and anyone willing to enter the campsite for any reasons, have to check-in at the Reception showing a valid identity document with picture of himself and of each family member/group member to make the registration as required by Italian law. Registered guests will be provided with an identification wrist band.
Management reserves the right not to accept undesired guests or not to allow the entrance in case of camping full.
The wrist band is personal and non-transferable, must be worn for the duration of the stay, made of non-toxic, anti-allergic material. It allows immediate identification and makes us avoid annoying questions or inspections by our guardians, who guarantee your safety during the whole stay. It helps identifying unauthorized people who have no right of making use of all services you pay for.
Any possible discount card must be given at the Reception upon arrival. The agreement begins as soon as the card is handed over the Reception and is only valid for standard pitches and not combinable with other offers. In order to get any offer or discount, cash payment is required.

Non accompanied minors who enter the camping must give at the Reception a valid identity document with picture and an authorization signed at least by one of the parents plus a copy of the parent’s identity document. We recommend teenagers or young people groups, who have different needs and behaviour than the most part of the other more relaxed guests, to express their exuberance our of the campsite not during the silent hours and in a moderate way. Excesses and vulgarities won’t be tolerated. If it won’t be possible to individuate the single responsibility, the whole group will be expelled.
Adults are held as responsible for the behaviour of their children, whose exuberance and needs don’t have to compromise peace, safety and hygiene of all other guests. Furthermore children must always be accompanied by an adult to the toilet and be watched while bathing in the lake and while using all facilities. The guests is liable to pay compensation for damage to people or to campsite’s properties.

Number of pitch or of accommodation will be assigned from the Management. For organizational reasons the Management holds the right to change the number of pitch/accommodation with a different one having the same characteristics without notification; it’s forbidden to change the place without authorization.
For safety reasons and in order not to spoil the natural beauty typical of a green campsite like ours, equipment and vehicles must be placed tidily and neatly within the boundaries of the pitches or close to the accommodation. The unattended outside parking can only be used on request and will be charged as supplement.
It’s only allowerd one car each place/accommodation. Other cars are only admitted for load/unload pursuits then must be moved in the outside parking and counted as extra vehicles according to our price list.
Guests must make sure that all registered information is correct, point out any mistakes to the Management and notify any variations, such as a change of pitch, arrival/departure of people and estimate period of stay.

Arrival: booked pitched or accommodations can be occupied from 15:00 to 20:00.
Booked place, that means confirmed with a down payment, will be at guest’s disposal until 12:00 while a booked accommodation until 10:00 of the day following to the expected arrival date.
In case of NO SHOW the deposit won’t be refunded.
An earlier arrival doesn’t imply an earlier departure.
Departure: the pitch must be left by 12:00 while the mobile home by 10:00 on the departure day. In case of later departure from the pitch, after made sure that the place is still available, the supplement for the extra half day will be charged.
Payment: the settlement for the stay is required on the day before the departure for the pitches and on the day following the arrival for the accommodations, in the cash opening times.
The entrance into the pool park is reserved to the guests of Camping Conca D’Oro (guests have to wear the identification bracelets). The pool is free of charge but guests are kindly asked to observe these rules, in particular:
– to wear a bathing cap (long hair have to be tied up with an elastic and put under the cap);
– to go through the foot washbasin wearing slippers or flip-flops in order to enter the park (so that your shoes will be hygienised);
– to take a shower before going into the water;
– to observe the instructions given by the life guard staff that is authorized to intervene any time in order to demand the observance of the rules and, in case, they can expel people who are not observing them.
– to eat (you can eat only at the bar);
– to take glass objects or any other object that may be dangerous for yourself and/or for others;
– to open or leave open sun umbrellas in case of windy conditions;
– for children under 12 years to enter the pool park, if not accompanied by adults that are responsible for them;
– to enter the pool with dogs or any other animal;
– to get into the pool with bikes, skaters, rollers, scooters, hoveboards etc.;
– to reserve sunbeds with towels or whatever if you are not there;
– to jump running into the water, it may be dangerous for you and/or other people;
– to run beside the pool;
– to use soap, creams, medicaments or any other substance that may vary the water composition in the pool;
– to smoke;
– to go into the water with sunglasses or glasses in general (except for plastic sunglasses or unbreakable glasses);
– to enter the pool if affected by contagious diseases or skin diseases (like verrucas, wounds) or if you are drunk.
• to use the relax area only if you are adult or older than 16 years old;
• to move sunbeds or sun umbrellas (every 3 sunbeds there is a sun umbrella);
• to go into the water at least 2/3 hours after eating;
• to avoid any discussion with the staff. Any type of claim has to be done at the reception;
The Management is not responsible to any damaged caused to properties or people caused by an improper use of spaces, properties and structures, or by the inobservance of these rules.
We thank you for your cooperation and have good fun!
Day visitors are not permitted. Additional guests, who have not been previously confirmed in the booking, are not accepted. Please notify family and friends in advance that unscheduled visits are not allowed.
The Management holds the right to take legal actions against unauthorized people found in the camping.
If a guest of the campsite allows the entrance of unauthorized people, he will pay a fee equal to the total cost of their stay increased of 50% as penalty.
For health and safety reasons and to avoid proliferation of insects and other animals, the guest is asked to keep his pitch/accommodation tidy and clean.
Guests are also asked to properly make use of the toilets and to leave them in the same conditions they would like to find them.
In case of infectious diseases, the guests have to immediately inform the Management.
Any time guests are kindly asked to avoid behaviours, activities, games or the use of equipment that can disturb other guets.
During the silent hours (13:00 – 14:00 / 23:00 – 8:00) it is not allowed: to use sport or amusement equipment and to build/take down tents.
The transit of vehicles is only allowed in case of emergencies. People who don’t respect these rules will be asked to leave the car in the outside parking and to use the walkway to get into the camping (by giving the key-code received upon arrival).
The entry of dogs or other animals that can cause danger, inconveniences or any health issues to other guests is forbidden. Dogs, cats or other animals are admitted in the campsite under following conditions:
  • there must be a certification of all vaccinations;
  • they must always be kept on a leash;
  • dogs are not allowed on the beach and into the water;
  • A dog’s owner must take the dog outside the camping for its hygienic needs and must remove and carry out any dirt.
  • Dogs are not allowed in the public areas such as restaurant, bars or market if not authorized from the Management.
  • Animals can’t be left unattended and mustn’t disturb other guests. Owners of noisy or dangerous pets who don’t respect these rules or cause complaints will be asked to immediately leave the camping.
  • Dogs are never admitted in the mobile homes and lodge tents.
It’s forbidden:
  • To dig holes or hollow ditches, to pitch posts or other structures in the ground;
  • To change in any way the assigned place/accommodation;
  • To light fires. Barbecue can be used provided that it doesn’t bother neighbours, damage the ground and that guests pay attention to the fire;
  • To pour hot, oiled, salted water, fuels or waste liquids in the ground or into the manholes;
  • To waste or misuse water (water guns, water balloons etc);
  • To park and/or wash cars, camper and boat in the outside area used as disposal point;
  • To damage plants or facilities;
  • To ride bicycles on the pitches: the passage is only allowed on the camping streets at the max speed of 5 km/h;
  • To use trees or railing borders to tighten ropes and tarps. To tighten ropes at eye level and to install anything else that can obstruct or hinder the passage;
  • To park the car, even if temporarily, on other pitches (also if free) or the price for the occupied pitch will be charged;
  • To throw garbage without separating it properly accordingly to the camping rules.

Because of the dimensions of the area, each guest is required to protect his properties because, as in any other place, problems such as objects, valuable or money removal and vandalism can also occur. The Management declines any responsibility in case of objects left unattended and then lost or for any of the above mentioned behaviours.
All objects found in the campsite area must be delivered at the Reception in accordance with legal requirements.
The improper use of facilities such as playground, soccer etc is at guests’ own risk.
Personal mail has to be exclusively collected by the holder; after 7 days the uncollected mail will be sent back to the sender (when clearly readable).
In the camping there are watchmen responsible for keeping order and silence in the night hours. They may also be contacted in case of emergency.
Upon arrival by checking-in guests are informed about the place where to make an emergency call at night.
To use devices such heaters, electric stoves or kettles etc. Power supply on each pitch is of 6A (=1320W).
Each water unit with engine must be registered at the Reception upon arrival and, if longer than 2,5 Mt., must expose/require the Italian ID mark to office of the Provincia del Verbano Cusio Ossola, upon payment of € 30,00 via post office bulletin/bank transfer and after sending the completed form (available at the Reception).
All legal and administrative rules regulating the navigation on the Lake must be observed.
While booking, you have received the Regional Regulations, which must be present on-board during navigation. In case of inspections by the Italian Police, you have to prove that you are in possession of it (printed or digital).
It is also mandatory to have on board the original version of: The IDs/Passports and the boat’s paperwork (boat license, engine owner’s manual and insurance).
Our slipway to launch boats is not available anymore.
It’s strictly forbidden to leave boats, rubber boats, canoe etc on the beach.
Buoy daily rental price according to our price list.
Caution: € 100,00 in Low and Mid-season; € 200,00 in High and Main season.
The buoy must be compulsorily reserved.
In case of modification or cancellation of a booking, the caution for the buoy won’t be returned.
The rate for boat and buoy has to be paid for the whole reserved stay and doesn’t depend on their effective use.
The buoy number is assigned from the Reception: it’s forbidden to change the buoy number without notice/authorization.
At the settlement of the caution, the above listed rules are automatically accepted.
Entering the campsite involves full acceptance and compliance of this regulation; these rules can be in any time changed or expanded to provide to every guests the best service. Staff is always authorized to signal every case of non-compliance and to let every single rule be respected. The defaulters will be immediately expelled from the campsite. Due to its nature, a regulation always limits the individual freedom, in order to balance the collective freedom. All above restrictions have the only purpose to create better living conditions for a civil cohabitations based on good manners and respect towards the others and to promote a more human and rich life, in full compliance with all other people’s life. We trust our guests and their respect of these rules, so that everyone can have a quiet and nice stay. In that way, we all can avoid the necessity of an intervention of the staff to restore order.


  • At any time for the 2023 season you can book your stay by sending the online request form on the website. The form must be completed in its entirety and is valid for reservations for one family only. The estimated price is calculated on the correctness of the data entered, so please complete and check your request. For information and assistance call +39 0323 28116 or write to info@concadoro.it. From Monday, November 7, 2022 it is possible to book for the 2023 season.

  • The number of the pitch/accommodation is assigned by the Management, whose primary objective is to accommodate all requests and ensure that there is no need to change the pitch/accommodation during your stay. However, if you wish, you can indicate a specific number of pitch/accommodation, communicate your preference for a place with shade, half-shade or sunny or inform about your desire to stay close to another family. The preferences expressed, which are indicative and not binding, are evaluated by the Management according to availability. All types of pitch/accommodation are subject to availability. For organizational reasons, the Management reserves the right to change the number of pitch/accommodation booked without prior notice and to assign another with the same characteristics.

  • From the first minutes of opening of reservations, Conca D’Oro Camping & Lodge receives many requests that are handled in chronological order and logistical organization. In a short time your request will be processed, but if on some days of heavy traffic there is a delay, you can simply call or write an e-mail to make sure that the request has been received correctly, without sending it again.

  • The deposit required to confirm a reservation can be paid by filling out a form with your credit card information to be returned by e-mail or fax. The form is provided during the booking process. Alternatively it is possible to send a bank transfer, the bank details are indicated on the booking file.

  • There is no minimum stay for pitches, but in some busy periods minimum stay may be required.

    Each accommodation category corresponds to a specific arrival and departure day and reservations are therefore only accepted on a weekly basis.
    Shorter stays are only considered if last minute.

  • Upon receipt of the deposit, the reservation is confirmed with an e-mail.

  • Please contact the Reception staff by phone or e-mail and they will forward it to you again.

  • In case of cancellation or amendment of the period of stay within 30 days prior the arrival date, the whole deposit is refunded except the booking fee (€ 10,00); passed the deadline, no amount will be returned.

During your stay

  • It is possible to check in from 3.00 until 8:00 PM. In case of early arrival you can use all the services of the campsite and access to the pitch/mobile home only if already available. On the day of departure the pitch must be left before 12:00 AM and the accommodation before 10:00 AM. Any late check-out must be agreed, subject to availability, with the Reception that will communicate before any additional costs.

  • Check-in is possible from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM. In case of late check-in, the check-in is guaranteed until 21:30, Reception closing time. Guests already registered can access the campsite until 10:00 PM (low and mid season – until 11:00 PM in high season) with a vehicle using the badge to open the barriers and after that time on foot with the opening code of the pedestrian entrance.

  • If your arrival is expected to be later than 9:30 PM, you must inform the Reception by phone. It will be possible to stay outside the campsite and access the booked pitch the following morning (Reception opens at 8.00 AM).

  • Cars can move inside the campsite from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. On departure we kindly ask you to return to Reception the identification mark of the pitch/accommodation number.

  • The chemical toilet (thetford) can be emptied in the appropriate cabins (marked by signs) at the sanitary groups of the campsite. The self-cleaning Camper Service is located at the end of the outdoor parking lot (also marked by specific signs).

  • Daily visitors are not permitted. Additional guests, not previously declared at the time of booking, are not admitted. Please notify family and friends in advance that unscheduled visits are not allowed.

  • On request, animals are allowed on the pitches only, provided they are kept on a leash and do not constitute a danger to other people (see special regulations). PLEASE NOTE: Entry into the water and access to the beach with animals is not permitted. Animals are not allowed in the accommodation.

    We welcome a limited number of dogs in order to ensure a pleasant experience for all our guests.
    Please contact us in advance to check availability.

  • It is possible to use the grill on the surface of the pitches and on the ground immediately adjacent to the accommodation as long as this does not disturb other guests, the ground is not damaged and care is taken with fire.

  • It is necessary to park the car on the reserved pitch. If you decide to leave your car in the unguarded outdoor parking, the fee will be charged in the surcharge (€ 3,00/day). Each accommodation has a reserved parking space which is indicated by the staff at the time of check-in.


  • The balance of the stay at the Reception is due for pitches the day before departure and for accommodations the day after arrival.

  • We accept payment in cash, with bancomat, credit cards (VISA, Maestro, Mastercard).

  • The camping card must be handed in at the Reception on arrival (not just shown). The agreement, which cannot be combined with other offers, starts from the moment of handover and is valid only for standard pitches. For Lake View, Lake View XL and Silver pitches we do not accept camping cards.

Pitches and accommodations

  • The pitches of all categories have electrical hook-ups (6 Amp. with CEE plug).

  • The daily cost of a pitch includes 2 or 3 people (depending on the season), 1 camper or 1 car + caravan or 1 car + tent and electricity (6 Amp).

  • Mobile homes of all categories have air conditioning and the temperature is climate-controlled (air conditioning/heating). Glamping Lodges do not have air-conditioning but only a fan with the exception of the River Mini Lodges, which have air-conditioning and heating.

  • The different types of mobile homes differ in size and position within the Camping Village: River, Comfort, Village, Sand and Forest. They are structured in a similar way (2 bedrooms, living room with kitchenette and bathroom – mobilhomes Forest dispose of two bathrooms) and all have an outside wooden veranda. In addition to the mobile homes we have an Air Lodge Lake View Large at the Garden area and Air Lodges River, at the River area, Mini Lodges Lake View (the tent for a romantic getaway for couples, consisting of a double bedroom and located a step away from the lake), Mini Lodges River (tents for two with bathroom and outdoor tent for children) and Trend Lodge (tents equipped with two bedrooms and bathroom).

  • Kitchen: plates, cups, glasses, frying pan, saucepan, colander, salad bowl, coffee pot, cutlery, bread knife, ladle, can opener, bottle opener. Double bedroom: clothes hangers, pillows, blankets. Bathroom: clothes rack, broom, dustpan, mop set. Living room: 1 table, chairs, television, air conditioning. Veranda: table, chairs. The equipment may vary according to the type of mobile home.

  • Sheets and towels are automatically provided at no charge. Final cleaning (compulsory) is carried out by our staff at the end of your stay at a cost of € 60,00. Pillows and blankets are available in each accommodation.


  • The code for the WiFi is available for free at the Reception.

  • The launderette is equipped with coin-operated dryers and washing machines which can be purchased at Reception at a cost of € 5.00 each (washing powder included). Ironing board and iron on request.

  • Yes, in July and August the team of animators organizes daily programs with various activities of educational animation, dedicated to children from 4 to 14 years old.

  • Yes, all water plug points at the campground provide potable water.

  • Yes: the baby bed (excluding mattress, pillow and sheets) at a cost of € 3.00 per day, high chair at a cost of € 2.00 per day.

  • We do not rent refrigerators. Inside the laundry room a freezer is available to all guests, to be used exclusively for cooling blocks (therefore it is not allowed to store food and/or drinks).

  • Use of the shower and hot water is free of charge and no tokens are needed.

  • At the Reception you can rent bicycles (with child seat, on request), kayaks, pedal boats and SUP (Stand Up Paddle). It is also possible to rent E-bikes, for which a reservation is required at least one day before.

The enchanting
Lake Maggiore.


© 2022 – Compagnia dei Campeggi S.r.l. – Via 42 Martiri, 26 – 28831 Feriolo di Baveno (VB) – P.I. 02459950032 – CIR: 103008-CAM-00002 Iscrizione REA n° VB – 203801 – Cap sociale I.V. € 50000,00 PEC compagniacampeggi(at)legalmail.it Change privacy settings